Monday, 8 June 2015

Working On Mixed Media Surfaces.

            Textured Surfaces.

These samples show how I used the aspect of layering onto textured surfaces which I transferred ripped pieces of my primary images to portray a sense of comparison and show different viewpoints. I worked into these with light hand stitching adding more texture and contrast to my work.

These samples were created with similar intentions to the previous work but also explored with a wider variety of texture. To add more texture to these samples I added wax to layer bits of scrim and other materials onto my work.

K. K. DePaul inspired me to produce these outcomes as he uses vintage looking pieces to layer images with. I decided to work with cardboard as it holds quite vintage hues of brown and made it appear quite old by ripping edges and wearing the rough texture down. I used the aspect of Image transfer to layer with and added wire to create distinct markings and texture. 

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