Monday, 8 June 2015


 Ellen Bell

This is a sample i crated inspired by Ellen Bell where I used different cut out text related to my subject being my younger sister and used the laser cutter to cut onto the layered text picking up the distinct silhouette my primary image produced.

These are developed pieces I produced when responding to Ellen Bell I created different surfaces in her style adding distinct text and laser cut silhouettes which I then manipulated digitally by blending different aspects together.

 Karl Otto Gotz

These samples were inspired by Karl otto Gotz his work intrigued me when I visited the Tate gallery and wanted to explore it further by responding to his work within my project theme. I decided to respond to his work by using ink and different utensils as he does using distinct patterns I came across in my primary images. The process was quite fun of using different utensils with ink and produced really high contrasts within my pieces. I will further explore these by blending them in to different pieces of my work digitally.

Working On Mixed Media Surfaces.

            Textured Surfaces.

These samples show how I used the aspect of layering onto textured surfaces which I transferred ripped pieces of my primary images to portray a sense of comparison and show different viewpoints. I worked into these with light hand stitching adding more texture and contrast to my work.

These samples were created with similar intentions to the previous work but also explored with a wider variety of texture. To add more texture to these samples I added wax to layer bits of scrim and other materials onto my work.

K. K. DePaul inspired me to produce these outcomes as he uses vintage looking pieces to layer images with. I decided to work with cardboard as it holds quite vintage hues of brown and made it appear quite old by ripping edges and wearing the rough texture down. I used the aspect of Image transfer to layer with and added wire to create distinct markings and texture. 


    These series of outcomes respond to a fragile theme I wanted to portray in this project. I created a photoshoot of my model portraying a fragile and broken expression which I then transferred onto fragile collaged materials such as scrim and frayed canvas. The one I found to be most successful was the piece on the top left corner as it portrays deep emotions using the facial expression of the subject and the most contrasted allowing it to blend in well when transferred onto the set backgrounds.

These are further explored fragile pieces where I used aspects of my Sabrina Ward Harrison's responses to image transfer onto quite fragile surfaces I created with canvas. I worked into them using colour and different materials such as string and wire to add more texture and character to my work.

Saturday, 23 May 2015

Further Exploration: Roller Prints.

This work will be based on a further exploration of my roller print work. Where I will show a variety of ways I have taken the subject of roller printing and transformed into something much more versatile.


These samples show a variety of manipulations I created by transferring the image onto fabric and layering onto the outcome with different papers as well as including an element of stitch. These textured outcomes turned out really well I feel the combination of techniques definitely made the outcomes stronger.

Digital Edits:

I scanned all of my roller prints in and worked with them digitally using the blending mode to blend them in with different backgrounds and images I felt suited each outcome. I was really happy with the results of these edits as they're all different in a way but come together by the main subject of each piece.

Friday, 27 March 2015

Roller print.

Roller Prints.

These series of roller prints were created using printing ink on a laser cut stencil exploring the technique onto different surfaces.

These particular set of prints where printed on newsprint paper which worked well with this technique as it picks up the ink really well resulting in a clear outcome.

I decided to start exploring different aspects within the subject of roller print where I used mixed media backgrounds to roller print onto and then worked on this surface by drawing into the subjects with black drawing ink.

I liked the results I got from drawing with ink so I decided to focus some more on that using the same  laser cut stencil to draw the image with then worked into it by blending parts with watered down ink and careless strokes .

Monday, 5 January 2015

Sabrina Ward Harrison responses.

Sabrina Ward Harrison inspired:

Sabrina Ward Harrison inspired me to explore her work in more depth and create similar responses where I combined her style of work with my own. Exploring outcomes portraying different meanings and feelings I got during different places I traveled during the summer.

This outcome was based around some places I visited recently and photographed. I used bright inks to create the background and added black line ink drawings onto it. I further developed this outcome by blending in another straight ink drawing piece onto it which filled up the space of the original piece and gave it a hidden message feel to it as you have to look at the piece very carefully to point out all the subjects included into it which made the outcome more interesting.

To achieve this outcome I firstly created a watercolour wash background which I worked into including ink drawings showing a place I visited and cartoon drawings of strangers, the main subject portraying her point of view during the trip. After I created this I then used Photoshop blending layers in.
This shows the main stage of me responding to her work where I compositionally drew out different aspects of subjects from my primary images and transferred them on paper with pen and ink.

These show stages of development when responding to Sabrina Ward Harisons work where I explored with different element of layers and blends on Photoshop.

This again shows how I progressed throughout responding to her work by adding colour and digital manipulation.